Lila Avenue

Website Projects

Create a Web Page 3

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With just a few more lines of CSS in the STYLE section of our header, we can create a grid of picture links.

web page 3

The 'Nip Shoppe' and 'Wealthy Cats' are external websites, while 'sample-page-1' is just a local html file.

We will need 5 items to create this page: 3 pictures and 2 html files.

web page 3 files
These files all need to be together in the same directory, which you can download as a zip file below. Just unzip and save in your computer's file system, such as the desktop.

When you double click on the 'index.html' file, you should see the page with the 3 picture links.

You can create your own grid of image links by replacing the pictures and links, and replacing the text in 'sample-page-1'. You can add more boxes by copying the code between the 'linkgridcolumn' division tags.

Web page 3 code


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